Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What is the Paleo or Primal Diet? Is eating so much FAT even healthy?

I love eating Primal.  I actually love it more than when I ate whatever-the-hell-I-wanted.  It may sound weird that any restriction of food choices would actually be liberating.  To me, it is more of a framework; a structure to healthy living and life.  Eat Meat.  Eat Veggies.  Eat Fats.  Avoid Grains.  Avoid Sugars.  Avoid Legumes.  Avoid Processed Foods. There are definitely some middle ground questions around dairy, fruits and nuts.  I eat them pretty regularly, which is probably why my weight-loss is slower than most.  But I FEEL AMAZING.  Seriously.  AMAZING.

Anyway, I could tell you more about Paleo/Primal, but so many others have done a great job.  My favorite one is Fit Bomb's "What is The Paleo Diet?"  It is insightful and pretty much all encompassing.  It talks about the reasons behind the limitations.  It also provides TONS of links to further info.  If you clicked through and read all the info in all the links, you'd probably have read enough to get college credits.  But even just reading his take on it will clear up a lot of questions and mis-conceptions about fat, grains, and sugar.  It also answers some questions about why eating meat is actually BETTER than eating none at all (vegan/vegetarian).  

Side note:  A dear friend of mine posted an article on my Facebook page about why Paleo/Primal is bad for your health (this article was from the stand-point of a raw vegan).  I'm in the process of writing a response, but it is quite a long article, so I've gotta get my ducks in a row before responding.  

Let me know if there are any questions that Fit Bomb's Article doesn't answer for you and I'll do my best to research the answers for you!

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