My friends came prepared with a cooler full of beer (I don't really drink), but I came prepared with snacks! Artisan Cheese slices, string cheese, sliced cucumbers, carrot sticks, beef jerky, blueberries, grapes, and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember now.
I just saw this article on Yahoo Health: 20 Habits that Make You Fat. Now, I don't really agree with all of these habits, but there are a couple I really appreciate.
FAT HABIT #1: Eating "low-fat"
It sounds crazy, but I want you to stop buying foods marketed as low-fat or fat-free. Typically, they save you only a few calories and, in doing so, they replace harmless fats with low-performing carbohydrates that digest quickly—causing a sugar rush and, immediately afterward, rebound hunger. Researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham found that meals that limited carbohydrates to 43 percent were more filling and had a milder effect on blood sugar than meals with 55 percent carbohydrates. That means you’ll store less body fat and be less likely to eat more later.
So this is totally what I'm all about! I think we are coming up to a tipping point, hopefully sooner than later, when people start to realize that Low-Fat is not the answer. Now that being said, he doesn't mention anything about getting rid of the processed foods or the carb-heavy meals, but at least we might be getting somewhere with baby steps.
FAT HABIT #4: Eating free restaurant foods
Breadsticks, biscuits, and chips and salsa may be complimentary at some restaurants, but that doesn’t mean you won’t pay for them. Every time you eat one of Olive Garden's free breadsticks or Red Lobster's Cheddar Bay Biscuits, you're adding an additional 150 calories to your meal. Eat three over the course of dinner and that's 450 calories. That's also roughly the number of calories you can expect for every basket of tortilla chips you get at your local Mexican restaurant. What's worse, none of these calories comes paired with any redeeming nutritional value. Consider them junk food on steroids.
As I've said before, "If it's free, it's not for me." There are some exceptions though. If there is a salad that comes free with the meal, I will gladly add that to my meal (skip the croutons). I'm sure most aren't organic, but if you get too picky, it's hard to relax and enjoy your meal. I would definitely suggest cutting out the free bread or chips you get with your meal. They will only leave you wanting more (this is a characteristic of carb-laden foods).
FAT HABIT #5: Drinking soda—even diet!
The average American guzzles nearly a full gallon of soda every week. Why is that so bad? Because a 2005 study found that drinking one to two sodas per day increases your chances of being overweight or obese by nearly 33 percent. And diet soda is no better. When researchers in San Antonio tracked a group of elderly subjects for nearly a decade, they found that compared to nondrinkers, those who drank two or more diet sodas a day watched their waistlines increase five times faster. The researchers theorize that the artificial sweeteners trigger appetite cues, causing you to unconsciously eat more at subsequent meals.
Seriously, this can change the way you feel. It can also help you lose weight! If you usually drink 20oz. of soda a day and completely cut this out of your diet, you can end up losing about 25 lbs. in a year. But also, by limiting your liquid calories/carbs you can help your body regulate insulin better. Check out "Fat Head" for more info.
FAT HABIT #9: Ordering the combo meal
A study in the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing shows that compared to ordering a la carte, you pick up a hundred or more extra calories by opting for the “combo” or “value meal." Why? Because when you order items bundled together, you're likely to buy more food than you want. You're better off ordering your food piecemeal. That way you won't be influenced by pricing schemes designed to hustle a few more cents out of your pocket.
By not ordering the combo, you'll be cutting WAY back on your carb/processed food intake. Your body will thank you by not being as hungry in an hour.
FAT HABIT #19: Drinking fruity beverages
Most restaurants and bars have ditched their fresh-fruit recipes in favor of viscous syrups made mostly from high fructose corn syrup and thickening agents. As a general rule, the more garnishes a drink has hanging from its rim, the worse it is for your waistline.
Once again, drinking your carbs is not exactly the greatest plan. Its like giving your body an IV of sugar!
Do you have any advice on Healthy Habits?
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