I really do try - a recent aversion - to eat as much produce as possible, within the season, and locally if at all possible. Apples are totally a fall fruit and the ones I get are shipped in from Washington state. I'm sure they've been sitting in cold storage somewhere for quite a few months, and so, to me, they aren't the tastiest of the year - nothing close to the fresh ones. But in these lingering chilly spring months, I really love homemade applesauce. It is so ridiculously easy to make, that it's almost well... ridiculous. I like to make it when I'm just sitting around the house on the weekend.
I usually use 5 or 6 green/red apples (by this I mean apples that are both green and red - Braeburn, Fiji, Gala, etc.). I wash them, then core them and cut them up. I find it easiest to just slice off the first side, then the next, etc. (see image).

Then you throw them in a pot, cover them with water, and throw in a pinch of salt. Set them on the stove over medium-high heat until they start to boil, then turn them down to a simmer. It usually takes about 1-2 hours of simmering for the apples to just fall apart into applesauce. If you can squish an apple piece with the back of your spoon, they are ready to squish (you can just continue to squish with the back of your spoon or use a potato masher if you want) and add cinnamon to taste. I like a lot of cinnamon flavor, so I add a bunch.

yum!!! Great blig Anne!